last update! *maybeee*

ni my last update coz after this i jarang online coz i'll buzyyy
erk, i bet ni my last update pakai laptop coz yeah, you know?
coz lpas ni i jarang online coz nanti nak itulah inilah,
i will update pakai iPad and no gambaaa~!

I have always suspected that too much knowledge is a dangerous thing. It is a boon to people who don't have deep feelings; their pleasure comes from what they know about things, and their pride from showing off what they know. But this only emphasizes the difference between the artist 
takdek kene mengena punnn ;p

ouh ya,

korang yang add i kat fb, sorry eh kalau i lambat app //bow\\
and that account gonna be full, and i will make 2nd account when im freeeeeeee :P
ouh, and for twitta, dont miss me so much oke ?
*ucapan kalah pi umrah*-,-
whatever dude,
sobz zzzz
okeym buhb ye!

p/s: cakap je lebeh tapi entah entah esok pagi dah update -,-


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